The hateful memes challenge: competition report
Published in NeurIPS 2020 Competition and Demonstration Track, 2021
Abstract—Machine learning and artificial intelligence play an ever more crucial role in mitigating important societal problems, such as the prevalence of hate speech. We describe the Hateful Memes Challenge competition, held at NeurIPS 2020, focusing on multimodal hate speech. The aim of the challenge is to facilitate further research into multimodal reasoning and understanding.
Cited as:
title={The hateful memes challenge: competition report},
author={Kiela, Douwe and Firooz, Hamed and Mohan, Aravind and Goswami, Vedanuj and Singh, Amanpreet and Fitzpatrick, Casey A and Bull, Peter and Lipstein, Greg and Nelli, Tony and Zhu, Ron and others},
booktitle={NeurIPS 2020 Competition and Demonstration Track},